Internet ToolKit for 4D

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Internet ToolKit for 4D

Internet Connectivity for 4th Dimension product family.

Internet connectivity means that true cross-platform access to data is available. Using a Web browser, information stored in your database can be accessed regardless of the user's hardware or operating system. This information can be made available to the public on the Web, or kept on an internal network or intranet that only specified users can access.

The product

Internet ToolKit is an inexpensive yet extremely powerful external for 4th Dimension (4D) that allows you to transform any 4D database into an Internet server or client.
ITK can be used in all 4D products to provide complete TCP/IP connectivity for your application.

You can use ITK to implement FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers, email (using SMTP and POP3), news servers, mailing list, and Web clients. You can even design your own custom TCP/IP protocols, to implement application-to-application communications like data synchronization thanks to its low-level approach.

Utility commands are provided to convert PICT to GIF, encode files using MacBinary, BinHex or uuencode, and to convert text to HTML, with options for URL encoding and ISO character conversions, Base64, Quoted Printable, etc.

ITK adds more than 110 commands to 4th Dimension's language, enabling low and high level control of TCP/IP stacks, including UDP and DNS.

ITK lets you implement Web servers inside a 4D database. This eliminates the overhead of inter-application communication such as AppleEvents or OLE which is used with CGIs. This also removes limitations such as maximum size of objects transmitted and memory duplication. Porting applications from Macintosh to Windows and vice-versa can be done with almost no modification to code.


Provides access to low-level TCP/IP using MacTCP, OpenTransport or Winsock.

Implements secured connections using SSLv2, SSLv3 or TLSv1 protocols.

Allows access to low-level UDP.

Supports GIF encoding with interlace, transparency and resize.

Convert data into standard Internet formats (text, pictures, files, dates)

Lets you implement server replication over TCP/IP with record and blob conversion routines.

Gives access to DNS (name to IP and IP to name, with DNS load balancing).

Use standard crytography algorithms to protect your data.

Use data compression to reduce transmission times and optimize bandwidth use.


Fast and efficient WWW servers can be created with or without other HTTP applications.

Generates hypertext documents dynamically

Produces graphics on demand (charts, pictures, etc)

Lets you make new kinds of internet applications.

Don't want a separate server ?

With ITK, you can convert cross-platform databases into Internet-capable applications in a short time. Not only will ITK turn your 4D data into HTML, but it will also serve your static pages, no additional web server required.

Want live graphs and charts ?

Adding the power of 4D Draw and 4D Chart (included in 4Dv6), pages can produce live graphs and charts. Imagine an online map that displays the best route of travel on demande or a stock report that creates graphs using the latest market rates.

The web is not enough...

With ITK, you can develop any kind of internet related application. You are not limited to the web. Thanks to its low level approach, you'll never be limited.

System Requirements

Apple Macintosh running MacOS 7.5 to 10.x, PC running Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT 3.5/4.0/2000/XP